Check Stub Maker


How to make check stubs online: Tips for proper payroll management

If you are running an enterprise, you should know how to make check stubs online. It is a vital skill that will help you to manage your company efficiently. Not just for business owners, and freelancers also need to use this to manage their money accurately. Check stubs are nothing but pay stubs that an employee receives from the organization. It contains details about his pay, deductions, tax paid, etc. Thus, you need to provide them with accurate information. Only then will there be transparency in your dealings. Now, are you wondering how to create one online? Here is a systematic guide as to how to make one.


Choose a software


If you search on Google, you will find a lot of videos on how to make check stubs. But you should not rely on them completely. There are a lot of software that are available for free as well as for nominal rates. Go through the details and facilities that each software provides and then choose one. The thing that you have to keep in mind while choosing one is that, opt for software based on the number of employees. If you are running a start-up, then it will be optimal for you to go for free software. Selecting the correct one is crucial for the company.


Gather employee details


Once, you have picked the software that serves the requirements of the company, then you must go about collecting the information from the employees. The details you ought to gather will comprise their personal information like name, social security number, and address. Then you will need their payment details like gross pay and deductions. After getting their details you will need to include your organization's details as well. You need to enter the correct details as only based on this information the payslip will be generated.


Enter employee and payment details


After gathering of all the necessary data, you need to check stub maker. What you should check in it? You should verify if you have all the details that it is asking for. Once, you verify the details, go with entering the information. Start with entering the information about the company and then the employees. Then you go about entering the payment details for each employee. You need to specify if they are paid weekly, monthly, bi-monthly, etc., and also details like pay rate, hours worked, overtime, and any deductions or withholding from your side. Make sure that you enter these pieces of information accurately.


Review and print


After completing all the above steps, once verify on how to make check stubs. As you are doing this for the first time, it will be better to check it twice. Then you can go about reviewing the data you have just entered. Be mindful to review all the details entered in all the sections. After that, you can give the print option. All the check stubs will be printed. You can also choose to send it via email to all the employees. All that matters is that it reaches the employees on time. Typically, a Paystub should be given to an employee along with his salary. So, make sure that you complete all these steps before the pay date.